V-S Night Cup

Relay-style courses with forkings:

- High speed, no mistakes
- Starts with 10-second intervals from the start punching unit (possibly a start list to come)
- Courses consist of several "parts" of appr. 1 km in length (does not apply to the easy course).
- Start for the next part when 3-5 orienteers are ready, however not later than after 1 minute.
- Finish @ Rastitupa

Take with you:

- Map case A4
- Emit
- GPS (for Rerun)
- Washing equipment (sauna for men, shower for women)

At controls:

- Reflex, plastic band, Emit unit

Entries no later than Wed Dec 14th @ 23.59 through the link
Be there in time! 800 m to the start; common departure from Rastitupa @18.15.

Results and Rerun afterwards.

Contact person & course setter: Jukka Oksa, jukka.oksa(at)gmail.com, 050 3561661
